Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow in Cackalackie

Here's a few pictures from a rare Carolina snowstorm. While our new president [who is younger than me by the way] was being inaugurated, NO ONE in Eastern NC was at work or school! We got about 4" of snow. In fact, they've already cancelled school for tomorrow!

This is our house. It is hardly ever covered with snow!
Here is my angel making an angel!!!
Sledding in the front yard!
Sledding in the back yard with Dad.
Anyway, we had a lovely day. Went in, made a fire in the fireplace, and drank cocoa after all that!

1 comment:

  1. WOW - a whole four inches! That's quite a storm for your neck of the woods! We've been getting four inches a DAY for the past two weeks! Kidding. It has snowed every day for weeks now --I think there's at least 14" on the ground. Randy piled up the snow with the tractor and Olivia has been sledding when it's been warm enough. The temps have been way too cold with -10 to -20 wind chills.

    Looks like David had a blast!
