Thursday, March 26, 2009

Think About This...

We all know that we are saved by Grace, and not of ourselves. We know we can't EARN salvation - the price has already been paid.

But often [and I have been guilty before] we try to produce good works and hold our selves to standards we can't possibly meet, and invariably let our selves down. i.e. "I'm going to pray and read the Bible 1 hour every day"... those are wonderful goals, but we always let ourselves down at some point

***You can never do MORE to secure your salvation than the Blood of Jesus has ALREADY done!!!***
NEVER, not one iota.

Now just as an apple tree produces apples, WE should all be producing the Fruits of the Spirit [Gal 5]. But, stop and think:
NOTHING can do more towards my salvation than the Blood of Jesus has already done!!!

Yes, those thoughts were shared by Pastor Ryan and I probably did a rotten job trying to re-articulate them, but they really hit home to me last night at church.
Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gone fishin'

Today it was in the 70s here in Cackalackie! If we didn't have events to go to, such as Taekwondo and Basketball, we would have gone to the beach. Any Carolinian worth their salt [ocean salt of course] heads for the beach the moment the chill is gone from the air. Alas, hopefully, we'll get there next weekend.

TODAY however, we went fishing at a small lake on Fort Bragg. Here's my little sweetie casting out like the pros:

We didn't catch anything, but it was wonderful just to get out there in the fresh air.

Steve is feeling better, but not all the way. Course you didn't hear him complaining, because we were out fishing!!

God created all these beautiful places for us to go so that we can enjoy closer fellowship with Him. Of course, we enjoy being out in nature, because it's quiet and beautiful. But, I also think it draws us closer to Him. To the praise of His glorious name. [Ephesians 1]

Monday, March 2, 2009

OK, so it ain't the NBA!

Here's a picture [and hopefully a video] of my little sweetheart playing basketball. This child has come a LONG way in coordination recently. Although he's not being actively recruited by any major colleges, he sure is making his mom & dad proud!

It's actually considerable progress that he will even dribble the ball and try to shoot this year. He has always just passed the ball to someone else right away. It's good to see his self-confidence improving, even if the physical skills haven't quite developed yet!

David is a wonderful child. He's truly the best thing to come around since they put pockets in pants! Hope you enjoyed my 'Mom-bragging' moment!!